Wednesday, January 25, 2012


>>>3 days late:P oh wellz.
So. Singapore has like only 2 days of CNY holiday.
This year's was from Saturday to Tuesday. 4 days in total.
The teachers think that this is some sorta long weekend which needs some homework?
People need to go bai nian! No time for homework!
S e r i o u s l y.
And the worst part is I'm year 3 this year. That means.
Teachers would be rapid firing homework at us.

Well anyway. Hope you enjoy your 2012~ :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Oh my, it's been a long time, hasn't it? :)

Like what, almost a year? Or more. Heheheh..
I have been really busy. How about you?
Well I assume no one is reading this blog.
It's quite outdated too anyway.
I'm really bored now, so I decided to see how this blog is doing.
Answer is, it was never really thriving in the first place.
I was never really someone who's a hardcore blogger or anything.
Not creative in this sense. Or maybe just simply, lazy.
I'm not sure what to write. Nothing interesting.
(Not that anyone's reading - like I said, I'm just bored)
I'll just say how my day has been.
TODAY. I woke up relatively early. Actually, yes, it was early. 7:30am.
To go bring my brother to the annual Standard Charted run.
He participated in the Kids Dash. My dad went for the full marathon.
So yeah, after that, I went for JYM. Ah how I've grown to love it!
::Somehow or rather, I feel like I'm trying to write professionally in a wannabe way..
Oh well. Teehee.::
Anyway. Today was cell outing! Flamingo came over to my house!
I hope they all had fun. I know I did. Because I love Flamingo so much.
Too bad, next year we'd be changing groups again.. *Sighs*
But for now, I'm feeling bored. And that's how I ended up here :)
-The End-

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

what i dread doing most

It's not that I hate it. I'm just lazy.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hey, now

Whao.. It's been so long.. Since i've last blogged. I feel so outdated now..
Anyway. I want to change my skin. It's starting to annoy me. But Mac can't view HTML!!
Annoying! So that means I would have to do my blog changing / editing / skin-switching / whatever / dotdots / maomao / blahblah / etc.. In my family computer. =^= haii.. sighs. Which also means that I have to go to my mom's room to do it. And that I have to ask for permission on a specific time.. But it's easier now. That I have now a com time plan.. (;D) I guess it's better then..

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

jealous... hmph.

I'm so jealous of Xin Ying... T^T!!!! One, because tomorrow I can't go to her house. Two, I was supposed to. Three, Starfart and Soap is going. Four, in replacement of me, she invited Amirah to her house. Five, I'm becoming unreasonable again. Six, I hate it whenever I'm unreasonable. Therefore, I feel like slapping myself. I just get so pissed off with myself when I become unreasonable. puhhshhhhh. Dammit. Okay. Seventh: during ambassador training or what not, for Xin Ying, she was sitting next to some guy who pushed some piece of paper to her. Apparently, in a funny way. AND she realised she was sitting next to MY red jacket. NGHHHH!!!!! WARGHHHHH!!!!!!! bleah! bleah! bleah! bleah! bleah! MAOEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! unghh nghhh nghh T^T uhnghh... *sob* *sniff* *cry* BLEAH!!!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

2010 days

Xin ying and natsu!
Vanny and me
heart failure..? or broken heart..?

the awesome, ME

Friday, May 21, 2010 (GMH) - Like FMyLife, but for optimists!.